How to Recognize You Have a Gambling Problem
The first step toward recovery from gambling addiction is recognising and admitting problem. American Psychiatric Association recognises gambling addiction as a medical condition that most people have no control over.
If you recognize following 5 behaviours, you most likely have gambling problem:
You feel an obsessive urge to gamble.
All your spare time is used for gambling.
You use gambling to cope with stress.
You feel anxiety and you are irritated when haven't gambled for a while.
You take a bigger risk to recover losses and costs you incur while gambling.
The Effects of Gambling on Your Life
Playing casino games, placing a wager on sporting events and putting money on a lottery- people see as funny and relaxing activity. There is a thin line between having fun and developing habit with disastrous consequences. Excessive gambling has 3 negative effects in lives of excessive gamblers:
Financial problems: spending more than can be afforded, borrowing money and paying out loans to cover gambling debts
Problems in private life: spending less time with family and friends and conflicts that arise due to spending and loosing money have devastating impact on relationships in social environment.
Problems at workplace: preoccupation with gambling and difficulties in focusing on tasks have impact on workload and cause end of work activities.