Irish bookmaker, Boylesports, has paid out three winning payments amounting to more than €50,000 on Friday’s EuroMillion’s Draw. The punters all won more than €15,000 on the bets they placed with Boylesports.
The biggest winner took home €19,823.50 on the four numbers 5, 17, 23 and 28. The winner had placed the bet at one of Boylesports’ Co Meath Shops – a €0.50 Lucky 15 for a total stake of €7.50.
The next biggest win was for €16,500.50, placed by a punter from Galway with a €0.50 accumulator on the four numbers 5, 11, 17 and 23.
The other big winner on Friday’s draw took home €15,010 after placing a €10 treble at one of Boylesports’ Co Monaghan Shops on the three numbers 5, 11 and 17.
“Three Euromillions punters have hit us hard for €51,334 when all of their lucky numbers were drawn on Friday,” stated Aoife Heffron, PR executive for Boylesports.
“We are sure they will have fun spending their winnings especially since they scooped their equally impressive sums on Black Friday and have Cyber Monday to look forward to.”
“We want to offer our sincere congratulations to all three punters and hope that their winnings make for a memorable Christmas.”
Since two extra numbers were added to the National Lottery draw last year, there have been fewer winners, making these wins for Irish punters even more exciting. The National Lottery; however, has defended the changes, saying that while the lottery is won less often, the jackpots have been bigger and the overall amount awarded has increased.
“The average jackpot since the game change is €6.4m, which is 33pc higher than winners before the game changes,” said a spokesman for the National Lottery.
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